Past Secrets – Version 1 – Chapter 42

Janus hugged Snowhawk tightly. “Both of them?”

“Yes,” Snowhawk quietly replied. “Both of them.” She sighed raggedly, then looked up at Alcom. “What did you do?”

“I simply released her. Her hold was tenuous at best.”

Adian stood. “Why couldn’t that have been done earlier tonight?”

“She needed to come to the surface. With the extra strength of will Snowhawk has now, and with the dead one being so weak, there was no other way to remove her.”

“Thank you,” Snowhawk quietly said, then leaned against Janus.

Alcom turned and looked at Kione once more. “Pity he turned out this way. There was so much potential in him, but he was blinded by his past.” The eldest knelt next to the corpse, and touched it, his horn beginning to glow. With one flash, Kione’s body turned to dust. “And you don’t have to worry, Snowhawk. The dust won’t come after you.”

She gave a small smile, then dropped her head. “Its finally over.”

“Yes, love, finally,” Janus said, giving her another squeeze.

Alcom stood and turned to Adian. “You, youngling, will need to be careful that you don’t walk his same path. Your jealousy must be kept in check.”

Adian looked away and sighed. “I know.”

Alcom gave a small nod. “If you need anything while in the city, you know where to find me. Otherwise, I shall not disturb you again. Be well.” The eldest then turned and left.

After he had gone, Snowhawk stood slowly, aided by her two wolves. “Onyx, Hunter, I thank you for your help tonight. But I think you two should be the ones to inform Nytehawk, so I would ask for your help once more.”

Onyx bowed to Snowhawk. “Of course.” He then turned to Hunter. “Shall we?”

“Certainly,”Hunter nodded. The two then walked the rest of the way to the medical district.

After they had gone, Snowhawk looked to Janus, then to Adian, and said, “And I appreciate both of you helping me as well.”

Adian canted his head to the side, “What’s wrong, Snow?”

Janus copied his brother’s movement. “Love?”

“I’m just– a bit overwhelmed,” she said after several moments of silence.

“Its been a rough night,” Janus replied, again placing an arm around her. “And I imagine being alone in your head again after so long is not easy.”

“Truly alone. And no, it’s not. Its strange to say, but I’d grown used to having Emerald there. Even if she was buried far back, I still knew she was there. And Kione…” she trailed off.

“Let’s go back to the hotel. We can check on the others in the morning,” Adian said, trying to change the subject.

“Of course,” Snowhawk nodded, then began to walk back. A quick gust of wind blew by them, and her attention was drawn back to the pile of dust where Kione had been. The breeze had blown enough away to reveal something shining in the darkness. “What’s that?” she asked, then quickly knelt and dug into the dust. She pulled out a necklace made of dark silver, with a locket hanging from it. When she opened the locket, she found the picture of Janus she’d kept in there, along with a new image tucked behind it. One of her. “I’m– not sure what to make of this.”

Adian carefully took the necklace from her and removed the picture of her from it, placing it in his pocket. He then closed the locket, and once again fastened the necklace onto her.

She felt the familiar wall of security go up in her mind, though there was no longer anything to guard her from. “Thank you, Adian.”

He simply nodded, then turned and continued walking to the hotel.


The next morning, Adian, Janus, and Snowhawk left the hotel and traveled to the medical district. They were greeted by a confused Nytehawk.

“What happened last night? Kione was there, then he wasn’t. And I’ve not sensed him since. Did he get too far away or something?”

Snowhawk shook her head, grateful that her cousin missed out on the fighting. “Kione’s gone. Dead. For good this time.”

Nytehawk seemed shocked. “How do you know?”

“We saw him turn to dust,”Adian replied, sparing the cousin the gory details.

“We still need to get you back to mortal. Then you can return home,” Snowhawk stated.

“What about you?”

“We’ll remain in Juv a bit longer, to see if the treatment still works for me. After that, we will also return to Ametiton.”

“What if the treatment doesn’t work anymore?”

Snowhawk paused, looking down. “Then I’ll go on as this,” she finally said, looking back up.

“I think,” Rais began, entering the room, “that you should be fine this last time.”

Snowhawk nodded. “I hope so.”

“And I have some good news for you. The Avizon venom Adian provided for us has offered a breakthrough in increasing the lifespan of the Lupino and Feln.”

“That’s wonderful, Rais!” Snowhawk exclaimed, then she turned and wrapped her arms around Janus.

“Love–” he began, then glanced at his brother. Adian looked off, not making eye contact.

“Only if you’re willing, of course.”

“Of course,” Janus nodded. “I would have to think about it, but I assume the offer would stand, Rais?”

“Yes. When you’re ready, just let me know. And,” he began, looking at Adian, “we’re willing to treat you as well, should you wish to no longer be a vampire.”

Adian was silent for a few minutes, then finally replied. “I shall have to think on it.”

“Of course. No one will pressure you into a decision.”

With a nod, Adian left the room.

“He seems– moody,” Janus commented.

“Yeah. He’s been a bit off since last night.”

“Your brother is a complex one,” Rais commented.

“Ever since he was turned, yeah,” Janus replied.

“Well, slightly before then,” Snowhawk mentioned, then reminded Janus of how Adian had acted after he got his tail kicked by Onyx.

“So we can’t blame the vampirism then,” Rais smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

“No, not really,” Snowhawk replied, politely returning the smile.

“I miss the days when he was just a horny bastard,” Janus frowned. “He was easier to read then.”

Nytehawk smirked. “That he was. But at least he learned his lesson back then.”

Janus sighed. “I wonder what he’ll do now.”

“He’s been a vampire for a long time. I think he finally got used to it, and now we’re basically asking him to go back to what he was. I can imagine its a hard decision to make.”

Rais looked at Nytehawk and slightly bowed to her. “Are you ready to continue your treatments?”

“Yes,” she replied. “How much longer do you think I’ll be here.”

“You’re no where near as far down the line as Snowhawk was when we first saw her, and we’ve advanced the science since then. Probably another week or two, and you should be good to go.”

Nytehawk nodded. “Wonderful.” She turned to Snowhawk. “You’ve saved me once again, cousin.”

“Thank the doctors here. I just played the guinea pig.”

Nytehawk shook her head and laughed a bit. “Take some credit for once.” She then waved to her cousin and the light wolf and left the room, the Director following her.

Once they were alone, Snowhawk sighed heavily. She sank into a nearby chair, and then dropped her head into her hands. “I can breathe. I can relax. I can just be. But…”

“What, love?” Janus asked, sitting on the arm of her chair.

“I don’t think I know how to anymore.”

Her wolf smiled at her. “I’m sure you’ll remember.”

“Also, if I’m honest, I’m a bit scared to give up these gifts. I think I can know exactly what your brother is going through.”

Janus sighed, then wrapped an arm around her. “I think you two should talk about that. Who else to better understand him than another vampire?”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I think Adian could use some understanding, especially now.”

Snowhawk hugged Janus, then left to find Adian.


Snowhawk did not have to travel far to find the chocolate wolf. He was just outside the medical school, leaning against the building. His arms were crossed across his chest, and he had one foot propped up on the wall. She slowly approached him, smiling.

“Oh,” he began, “I figured you’d still be talking with Rais.”

She shook her head lightly. “No, he went with Nytehawk to work on her more.” She paused for a moment, then, brushing back a lock of hair, looked up at him. “Would you walk with me?”

Adian nodded at her. “Certainly.”

The pair walked in silence for several minutes, growing farther and farther away from the school. “What’s on your mind, Snow?”

“Well, I think I understand your hesitation to go back to being mortal. At least, I can understand better than I did a couple weeks ago.”

Adian quirked an eyebrow at this. “So you do enjoy it some?”

“Some, yes,” she sighed. Another pause followed, then she began, “I’m not sure if I can go back now. To not being this, that is. And you’ve been as you are for much longer. The thought is, well, scary.”

Adian nodded. “Yeah. To give up what has been both a blessing and a curse, but more importantly, familiarity, is a very scary prospect.” Snowhawk walked to a nearby, but out of the way, bench and sat down. Adian soon joined her. He sat closer than he normally might. “Your soul remembers it, and Emerald was a vampire a very long time.”

“Yes, she was.” They then sat in silence for several minutes. Snowhawk looked down and shuffled her hooves about. “She may be gone, but the memory is still there.”

Adian reached over and took hold of her hand. She didn’t pull away, but slightly lowered her ears. “Snowhawk,” he began, then bit at his lip and looked away.

She looked at their hands together. “Adi…”

He released her hand a moment later and stood, first looking off at the cloudy sky, then turning to her. “I think, all things considered, it might be best if I leave once I’ve trained new guards.”

Her ears flattened back, and her eyes were filled with confusion. “But why?”

He took a deep breath, then said, “Because I’m afraid if I don’t that I’ll try to take you away from my brother, by force if need be. And I can’t let myself start down that path.”


“He’s weaker than me now. It would be so easy.” The Lupino knelt in front of her. “You are something I have wished for for a long time. But as of now, unless I kill him or you change your mind, I can’t have you.” He again took her hands in his. “I think I know what I feel, and I think you understand that, but until…”

“Until your brother is gone, right?”

“Yes. Until he’s gone. Until then, I can’t have you. And it’s tearing me up inside, because I’ve grown so attached to you.”

Snowhawk dropped her head, her muzzle resting on their hands, and sighed raggedly.

“I can’t make you unhappy like that. So I think, once I’m sure you’re safe, it would be best for me to just step away.”

She turned her head to the side, now nuzzling his hand with the side of her face. “How long have you been planning this? Where will you go?” Her voice strained against the tears that began to fall.

“Its been some time, but I only decided this morning. Please don’t cry,” he said turning one of his hands over to cradle her face. “I have a few places in mind. Far enough away that I won’t turn into a threat, but close enough if I’m needed.”

“Not in the city then.”

“No. I would be far outside Ametiton. But always watching.”

“Why can’t it be easier?” she softly cried.

He placed his other hand on the other side of her face, and turned her head to look at him. “I think because its life. I think that the trials are what form us.”

“I know, but,” she trailed off, then closed her eyes. “I’ll miss you.”

He leaned in and kissed her on top of her muzzle. “I’ll miss you too.”

“What will you tell Janus? He relies on you too.”

“The same. The truth. That for his protection, I’ll be moving away. I know I can’t give this up, and Onyx is right. If I’m not careful, I’ll wind up just like Kione. Even though you’re not my mate, and you certainly aren’t dead.”

Snowhawk closed her eyes as he held her face.

Adian leaned toward her, and wrapped his arms around her. “I will still be your protector. I don’t know if I’ll ever be more, but I can promise you that much.”

She in turn wrapped her arms around him, then buried her face in his shoulder and cried.


Three weeks passed. Adian had left the city of Juv two weeks prior. Nytehawk was declared free of vampirism, and she returned home to Ametiton with Hunter and Onyx. Snowhawk remained, with Janus at her side, as she weighed the options before her: remain a vampire, or become mortal again. She and the light wolf met with Rais early one morning.

“I don’t think I can go back to mortal,” she plainly stated to the two Lupino in the room with her.

Rais nodded. “I understand. Adian said the same thing.” He then turned to Janus. “And what about you? Any thoughts on trying to lengthen your lifespan?”

“Still undecided. But I may take you up on that offer in the future.”

Rais nodded. “I understand there as well. Both my mate and I took this long to decide to undergo the treatment. Neither would do it without the other.”

Janus looked to Snowhawk, who was staring out the window.

“Shall I arrange a car for you, since I believe your brother stranded you here?”

“He said he would come back if we wanted him to…” Snowhawk softly replied.

“Yes, love, but it would be faster if we just go on our own.”

“I know,” she sighed.

“A car would be wonderful. Thank you, again, Rais.”

The other wolf smiled and nodded, then left the room to make the arrangements.

“You’re not going to mope forever, are you, love?”

“No,” she responded, still looking out the window, “I’m just not sure how else to deal with this. But I’m sure I’ll be past it soon.”

Janus nodded, then wrapped his arms around her. “It will be good to get home.”

“Yes, and have some peace.”

“At least until your boys visit,” Janus smiled.

She smiled at this. “Yes. Its been too long since I’ve seen them.”

Within the hour, they climbed into a car and departed Juv for Ametiton.


(This part has never been posted with the final draft of this novel.)
A thousand years later…

“Its been a hundred years since Janus died,” a weary Snowhawk said to no one but herself. It was just past midnight on the anniversary of his death. He grew old and frail, even with the extra time given to him by Rais. It killed her to remember it. They’d had a beautiful life together. As she sat at her dressing table, she looked at her reflection. She’d only aged by number, and the past one hundred and fifty years showed in her eyes.

It had been nearly as long since she actually saw Adian as well. The last time had been at Janus funeral, where he left her with a gentle kiss on her muzzle. She knew he was still alive and around. He had moved back near the estate, though not on the grounds. He was like a shadow to her. But not actually seeing him… It had been hard on her.

“I miss my wolves,” she said, holding back her tears.

But they would not be held back. Unbidden, the tears flowed forth, and she dropped her head and cried.

Outside her window, a lone Lupino looked at the glow from her room. He entered the estate, unquestioned by anyone. He was well known here. He climbed the stairs to the second floor, and then strode down the familiar hallway, as he’d done many, many times before.

The door to Snowhawk’s room was partially open. He stepped through and leaned against the wall, restraining himself from running to comfort the crying mare. Adian waited for her to look up. He figured waiting on her to calm herself would scare her less.

This was far from his first visit to this room. He came nearly every night to watch over her as she slept, but he always left before she woke. It would be nearly a quarter hour before she realized she was no longer alone in the room.

“Adian!” she said, wiping the tears from her face. “How long have you been there? Why didn’t you say anything? I’m sorry, I probably look stupid, crying over nothing…”

She was rambling. She probably wasn’t sure why he was there. Adian smiled gently at her, and walked to her. He knelt next to her. “Fifteen minutes, I didn’t want to scare you, and it’s not stupid to cry.” She again wiped at her eyes, then returned his smile. “I’m the one who’s sorry. I guess I waited too long to do this.”

“Adian,” she began, but he reached up to touch her face, gently stroking it, then leaned in and softly kissed her.

She didn’t fight or resist him. After a moment, he leaned back and their lips parted. “I can’t tell you how many years I’ve waited to do that.”

She was quietly stunned for a minute. “You aren’t going to tell me that you’re leaving again, are you?”

“No,” he chuckled. “I’m not leaving you again. After we lost my brother, I should have stayed but, I wanted you to have time to heal. I hope I’ve not pushed anything.”

She sniffled a bit. “No, not at all. I’ve just been terrified of you coming back only to leave me again.”

“I’m not leaving you unless you tell me to go, Snow.”

She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly. “I’ve been waiting for you to come back, my protector,” she whispered. She slid off the seat, landing on her knees infront of him, but still holding him. “Would you…” she began, then trailed off.

“What, dear?”

“Would you be more than that?”

He sighed, smiling and holding her tightly. “And I can’t say how many years I’ve waited to hear you say that. I wasn’t sure I ever would.”

“I made a promise to you more than a thousand years ago. I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to keep it.”

The two sat in the floor for hours holding one another.

Past Secrets – Version 1 – Chapter 41

“So, how do we do this?”Hunter asked.

Snowhawk picked up the dress laying on the bed near her. “If we can concentrate my scent, we can use it as a lure for Kione.”

“I can attempt to mask yours,”Onyx began, “which would let us get him right where we want him.”

Snowhawk nodded. “The cabin he was keeping Nytehawk in is small. We could trap him in there.”

“Then what?”

“I don’t trust that setting the place on fire would work, so we’ll just beat the ever-loving piss out of him.”

“That might be too close quarters,” the chocolate Lupino frowned.

Snowhawk thought for a moment, then gave a half-grin. “Then you boys stay outside and I’ll take care of him.”

“Too dangerous for you,” Onyx responded, mimicking Adian’s frown. “If he were to somehow pull that necklace off–”

“I know. It was a joke.”

“Perhaps this is not the best time for jokes,” Hunter commented.

Snowhawk sighed. “You’re right. But you still have the basic idea for the plan, right?”

All four males nodded. Adian added, “We’ll have to flesh it out more, but it seems solid.”


The following day, Kione was again assessing the city’s walls. And he found something of note; there was a short period of time between shifts when the outer wall was unguarded. Perhaps the same could be said for the inner wall. The elder vampire waited until the appropriate moment, then slipped past the gate. He hid near the second gate, and waited for it to be left.

After midnight, the vampire seized his opportunity and snuck into Juv.

The city’s streets were quiet. Most residents were asleep. He strode down the wide market street, carefully sniffing the air around him. He had two goals: getting Snowhawk back, and killing off the medical team before burning their research. He knew he was close to the former by the very faint scent of her that hung in the air. Because of the city’s population, it was a hard scent to track, but not impossibly so. He eventually found himself near the hotel she and the others were staying at. “Now, how to get in,” he questioned, then happened to catch a glimmer of light from the third floor. It was her. She leaned on the balcony railing, watching the night sky above. He could now figure out where she was in the building. Before she looked down, he ducked into the lobby, ignoring the night desk help. They seemed to be interested in some television show, so also ignored the apparent customer.

Kione snuck into the hallway, looking for the elevators. They were soon located, and he stepped inside, pressing the button for floor three. A very short ride later, aand he stepped out of the elevator, and began to quietly sniff the air for Snowhawk’s scent. Breaking into the wrong room could be disterous, and allow her to escape his grasp.

Being closer, in a lower traveled area, he easily caught her scent and followed it to her room. He tested the door, finding it locked. “Now what?” he wondered. Then a plan struck him. He knocked on the door and ducked below the peephole.

“Who is it?” Janus’ voice returned.

Kione simply knocked again.

Janus walked to the door, looking outside. After seeing no one, he unlocked it and carefully began to open the door. He never saw the crouched vampire before the door was slung open. The door struck Janus hard, sending him to the wall and knocking him unconscious.

Kione rushed into the room, but was shocked to find no one else there. Then he felt an icy shard pierce his back. He cried out in pain, then turned to see Snowhawk standing protectively in front of Janus’ form.

“I don’t know how you got in, but you need to get the fuck out,” she growled.

Kione chuckled, mildly annoyed by her ice magic. “You are coming with me, dear.” He began advancing toward her, while she backed away. The door had swung closed after he rushed in, so she soon found herself trapped in the short hallway from the main hall to the sleeping area.


As he backed her against the door, another knock was heard. “Snowhawk, Jauns, are you alright?” Adian’s voice asked.

“He’s here–” Snowhawk returned before she was rudely grabbed about the muzzle.

Adian cursed and tried to open the door, but found the combined weight of Kione and Snowhawk against it.

“Hunter! Onyx!” he cried out, the two soon stickng their heads out of their respective rooms. “Help me get this door open!”

They rushed to the room and began pushing on the door. Inside, kione grinned and soon pulled Snowhawk away from the door and jumped back, still holding her.

The three pushed hard on the door one more time, only to find it easily opened and they tumbled into the room. “Let her go!” Adian demanded.

Kione just grinned. “Now, now,” he began as the three untangled themselves from each other and stood, “where is your hospitality? I haven’t even been introduced to you.”

Snowhawk quickly shifted to her feline form, and attempted to bite down on the vampire’s arm. He grabbed her ear and she yowled in pain. “I think not.”

Snowhawk growled and attempted to bite down again, this time succeeding. As hoped, Kione released her, but followed by backhanding her in the back of the head. The force sent her forward, towards the three standing from the floor.

Janus began to come around about this time. He groggily shook his head and winced in pain. He fuzzily saw his love stumbling toward him. She hadn’t noticed him waking up yet, so she spun around to face Kione. Her tail was bristled and looked twice its usual size. She shook her head as well, trying to rid herself of the after effects of the vampire’s strike.

Kione advanced toward them. To say he was pissed off was an understatement. He went straight for the still shaken feline first, snarling as he tried to grab her. “You can’t run forever, mare.”

She ducked out of his grasp once more, then slashed at him with her claws. “I don’t intend to.”

While Kione’s attention was focused on Snowhawk, Onyx began sneaking up on the vampire. He soon was in lunging distance. He lept at Kione’s back grabbing him about the arms and pinning him to the ground. The Guard straddled the vampire, trapping his arms beneath him, and pressed down on his back, keeping him from rising.

Hunter soon joined to keep the vampire pinned to the floor. Adian stopped at his brother’s side and offered him a hand up, which Janus gratefully took.

As the two wolves made their way to the pinned, struggling vampire, so did Snowhawk.

“So you’ve won,” Kione grinned. “For real, this time.”

“I’ve no time for gloating,” Snowhawk said, holding her arm away from her and forming an icy sword. Onyx inched back carefully. Snowhawk raised the newly formed, magic blade, and swiftly brought it down toward Kione’s neck.

When magical ice should have pierced flesh, there was nothing but the blade shattering to the floor. He had vanished.

“What the fu–” she began, but was soon cut off by a hand over her small muzzle, and another holding the scruff of her neck.

“You’ve failed once again, mare,” Kione grinned then quickly grabbed her about the waist, and dove out the balcony door, shattering the glass in the process. The four males ran to the railing to see Kione speeding off with her into the darkness. He seemed to be heading toward the medical district.

As he ran, Kione played “dodge the fangs” with Snowhawk, and he was losing horribly. The more she bit him, the weaker his grip became. Soon, just before he reached the medical district, she finally chomped down one last time, and made him drop her. She rolled away from him, then stood, ready to fight. Kione was not about to lose his prize, so faced her, also ready to take what ever she could throw at him.

With a growl, the feline formed Delphin rushed at the elder vampire. She extended her claws as she ran and soon lept at him. Kione caught her tail as he sidestepped her attack, then caught her small paw in his free hand as she slashed at him again. He released her tail and caught her opposing hand in his when she tried to claw her way free.

“Are you slowing down, mare?” he grinned. A quick release of her arm and a slap across the face was her reward for trying to bite him again.

“Hold still, you son of a bitch!” she growled, not really phased by his slap.

“If you’re going to act like this, no, I think not.”

The two tussled in the street, and were beginning to attract a crowd of night owls and folk awoken by the noise they made. Janus, Adian, Onyx, and Hunter soon emerged from the crowd of gawkers, but the two were too engaged in their tussle to notice them. Adian directed the two Delphin to move left and he and his brother then moved right.

Another figure could be seen in the crowd, his height giving him away. Alcom watched the two fighting for a moment, then began moving through the crowd. After he passed, the gawkers would turn and return home. Even the ones on their balconies went back inside after a glance from the ancient Delphin. Soon, they were the only ones left on the street.

As Snowhawk lunged at Kione again, Adian and Janus ran toward him. From the other side, seeing what the two Lupino were doing, Onyx and Hunter ran toward the fighting pair as well. Alcom stood back and watched.

Hunter grabbed Kione’s arms and pulled them behind the vampire, then Onyx kicked Kione’s legs out from under him. Janus grabbed Snowhawk and held her back as Adian strode toward the three Delphin.

“So what now?” Kione panted. “We’ve been through all of this before.  You pussy out and I get away.”

The angry feline growled and broke free of Janus. She was tired of words ruining her peace. She quickly formed another icy sword and advanced on the group before her. “Hunter, back away,” she commanded. Hunter complied and Onyx took over holding the vampire.

Adian stepped in front of Snowhawk. “You shouldn’t do this.”

“Then who will?!” she yelled. “I will never be at peace as long as he lives!”

Adian reached out to touch her shoulder, but she shrugged him off and walked around him.

“I see,” Kione said, then struggled against the grip of the Guard.

Snowhawk shifted back to her Delphin form. She looked directly at Onyx. “Do whatever you need to do to keep me from healing him, should I revert to Emerald.” The Guard nodded, understanding. With a moment of thought, Snowhawk changed the form of her icy blade. From a sword, it became two daggers. One she pressed against the vampire’s neck, the other she pointed at his gut.

Kione smirked, but it was a terrified smirk as he struggled against Onyx. “So you’ve finally earned your name… Snow.”

Snowhawk eased back only for a moment, then pressed the two daggers into their respective body parts.

Kione’s blood gushed forth, and both Adian and Janus held onto Snowhawk as she fought an internal battle against Emerald. Onyx let the vampire fall to the dusty street and went to assist the two wolves. Hunter stepped in as well.

As Kione bleed out at their feet, the four held tightly onto the struggling Snowhawk. Alcom slowly walked to the group, first looking at Kione’s body, then stepping up to Snowhawk. He touched her forehead, just below her horn, and she soon struggled less and less, then finally tried to collapse to her knees. Her fall was eased by those around her.

“They’re gone,” she finally said after several moments of silence.

Past Secrets – Version 1 – Chapter 40

A week later, Janus, Adian, Hunter, and Onyx had arrived in Juv and settled in as much as one can in their respective hotel rooms. Early one late spring morning, Snowhawk walked down an outer market street, browsing the vendors’ wares. Her attention was caught by an excessively tall unicorn Delphin. He was blood bay in coloration, and seemed to be walking right to her. She gasped quietly and took a couple steps back as he strode to her. He stopped before her, seeming to examine her with his eyes, then gave a nod and left.

She gave a somewhat relieved sigh and looked at the Lupino working the stall next to her. “What the hell was that all about?” The Lupino shrugged, just as confused.


Outside of Juv, Kione fumed. He was so close, yet so far away. “I won’t let them win,” he growled. He quietly stalked around the city, looking for a way in.


Back in the city, Snowhawk joined Janus for a late breakfast. She was still somewhat unnerved by her encounter with the blood bay Delphin. “I don’t know if I even trust this city,” she admitted.

“Why’s that, love?” he asked. She relayed to him the encounter from earlier. “I see,” he frowned. “Have you mentioned this to anyone else?”

“No,” she replied back, shaking her head. “I’m not even sure what the hell was going on, but it was all to familiar to being assesed for sale.”

“Please rest assured that as long as Adian and myself are around, that will never happen again.”

“I hope not. Sale days were terrifying.”


“So,” Adian began, having just heard Snowhawk’s encounter, “what will you do?”

“I’m not sure,” Snowhawk replied. “The whole damn city knows I’m here. Thankfully, not why. I can’t exactly hide in my room while Nytehawk undergoes her treatments.”

“Why haven’t you started yours, Snow?” Onyx asked, concerned.

“I’m waiting for Nytehawk to finish hers. If Rais only works on one of us, the treatments will go faster.”

The old Guard frowned at her. “If you say so.”

“Plus,” she began, “you never know when Kione might get into the city. As a full vampire, I can resist his commands.”

“What of Emerald?” Adian asked.

“There’s been no hint of her these past weeks.”

“We didn’t see a hint of her for over a decade either, yet she suddenly appears and saves Kione.”

“Then I’ll fight her off best I can.”

“For everyone’s sake, I hope so.”

“I can’t sit back and wait to be saved,” she replied, flattening her ears back. “Be glad I’m not out stalking that son of a bitch. He’s made my life hell. And now I’m this.”


“I’m not like you, Adian, I don’t enjoy it. My life will be long enough  with out this disease ‘helping.'” She looked down and the turned to walk away.

“I don’t enjoy it either, for the record,” Adian frowned.


Snowhawk soon found herself lost in Juv. She wasn’t sure why she was so touchy lately. Perhaps Emerald was actually affecting her. She sighed and walked on, looking for any familiar signs. She soon saw something familiar, but it was not what she was looking for. It was the blood bay Delphin from earlier in the day. “Shit,” she quietly gasped as he again walked toward her. She straightened, holding her head regally, all in an attempt to not run away and get herself further lost in the city.

He again approached her, again seeming to visually examine her. This time he grinned slightly and took her chin in his hand. Snowhawk quickly shook her head free. “You are stronger than you look,” she stated, his grin growing.

“Who are you?” she growled.

“I’m surprised he never said anything about me to you.”


“My prodigy, Kione, of course.”

Snowhawk took a shocked step backwards. “Prodigy?”

“One of many. But perhaps he’s outgrowing his usefulness. I know what you are. I know what your cousin is. And I know what Kione plans to do once he’s gained access to my city.”

“His plan? Your city?” Snowhawk was terribly confused. “Just who the /fuck/ are you?”

The blood bay Delphin chuckled a little at her language, then again reached out to stroke her face. “Yes, my city. I founded it. I control it. The only reason your entourage is here is because I will it. My name is Alcom.”

Snowhawk gasped. She knew the name well, though, from the history of her species. “You were the first–”

“Ah, no need to name either of us. Never know who’s listening. So let’s go talk where it’s safe.” He placed his hand on her back and gently pushed her into walking. It was not a request.

They only walked for a short time before reaching his home. He led her inside and locked the door behind them.

“My staff was sent home for the day, so we’re free to talk here.”

“How are you still alive?” Snowhawk was still shocked.

“When this disease was created, it was tested on a dozen Delphin. I was the only survivor. So far, it’s given me the only true gift of immortality. Given enough time, Kione will die. Most of my other pupils have, either from age or otherwise. You and your protector wolf shall as well.”

“I don’t plan on staying like this.”

“Then hope Kione doesn’t get into the city, or if he does, protect the Director well. Kione’s intention is to destroy that whole team, and all of their research.”

“Why are you telling me all of this?” she asked, more confused than ever.

“As I said, he may have outlived his usefulness. His turning of your cousin was reckless. His constant drive to get back who he lost has been reckless as well.”

“You mean Emerald?”

“If you must use her name, yes. Her. She had her time. But now, its yours. Should your protector try the same if you die before him, I will put a stop to it. A second chance is enough.”

“Why haven’t you just taken care of Kione yourself?”

“His antics amused me for a while, but now you’re here, and its as good a time as any to put a stop to them.” Alcom walked to a small box on a low table. From the box, he removed a dark silver necklace. “I know Kione removed your locket and necklace. I know what happened in Di’aru, with you being taken over by her. My eyes and ears are everywhere when it comes to my offspring. Wear this, and any glimmer you feel of the grey mare will be gone.”

Snowhawk carefully took the necklace. It was about an inch in width and would be close fitting once she put it on.

“And keep that. The grey mare will be a problem for you as long as you remain a vampire.”

“Why are you helping me?” Snowhawk quietly asked, staring at the necklace in her hands.

“I am not the one to kill Kione. That job is for you, and your entourage. He must be dealt with, because he’s lost sight that vampires are to be rare and remain hidden.”

“But how are you leading this city? Its not exactly unknown who you are.”

“I have my puppets.”

“So vampires aren’t completely gone from Juv.”

“Just myself normally. Thralls don’t count.”

Snowhawk shook her head, not much less confused than she was before. “All this, just to kill another vampire…”

“My intention was not to put this on you. But now you’re her here and it’s a prime time to tie up this loose end.”

“Very well,” Snowhawk replied as she fastened the necklace on. “Consider him dead.”



Alcom escorted Snowhawk back to the hotel. Janus met them out front, as he had been waiting in the lobby for her to return. “Oh, thank God, you’re safe!” he said as he gathered her into his arms. “Where were you, and who is this?”

“I can’t talk out here. We have a mission to go on.”

“A what?” Janus confusedly asked. “Snowhawk, are you–”

“Let’s go back to the room. I’ll explain there.”

“Very well, love, Janus nodded.

Alcom simply bowed to them, then left without speaking.

Back in their room, Janus sat on the edge of the bed, waiting on Snowhawk’s explanation. “That was Alcom,” she quietly began. “He’s Kione’s sire.”

Janus was shocked. “He’s still alive?!”

Snowhawk nodded. “Yes. And he’s decreed that Kione is to die. By our hands.”

“That’s a tall order,” Janus frowned.

“I have some ideas,” she returned. “But its going to take all of us.”

“I’m guessing the new necklace has something to do with it.”

“Yes. Its dark silver. It will keep Emerald at bay.”

“Well, that’s one problem solved.”

Snowhawk nodded again. “Thankfully.”

“Should I call the others in so we can discuss the plan?”

“Yes,” she nodded, sitting in a nearby chair as Janus stood from the bed.

Past Secrets – Version 1 – Chapter 39

Snowhawk didn’t push herself as hard as when she had gone after Janus, but she still knew, as more and more of the gift of speed appeared, that she was moving further away from being mortal. She reached the forest south of Juv in just under three days, and she knew the day before that she was beyond help from Adian. She trotted along, looking for this supposed cabin Kione was in.

When she did find it, it was unoccupied. It had not been that way for long. She spotted two sets of hoof prints, one larger than the other, leading away and back toward the walled city. Another gift that had revealed itself was a heightened sense of smell, and she could clearly make out Nytehawk’s scent among the rest of the forest’s. She quickly followed the trail, which soon turned from well marked hoof prints to lines of scuffed, dragged markings. She wished desperately that one of her wolves was with her.

She stopped as she heard a rustling in the bushes before her. She pricked her ears forward to listen.

“I said I’m not helping you!” Nytehawk’s voice cried out. Kione apparently did not keep her under his command all the time.

She squeaked as the vampiric Delphin roughly grabbed her horn and bent her forward. “You will, mare, or I’ll take this horn as a souvenir.”

Still using that as a threat, Snowhawk thought. He was distracted, and this would be an excellent time to strike. She’d left her daggers back in Ametiton, but she still had her ice magic. A razor-sharp shard formed in her hand, and she crept closer to the other Delphin. Upon catching sight of them, Snowhawk saw that Nytehawk was still struggling against the vampire, but it was a losing battle.

Kione suddenly turned his head to face Snowhawk, right about the time she launched the ice shard at him. He quickly released Nytehawk’s horn and jumped back, leaving her to scramble away opposite him.

Snowhawk quickly shifted into her smaller, more agile feline form, and rushed at Kione. He tried to grab her, but she dodged away. “I thought you would never join us,” he grinned. Snowhawk replied by launching another icy shard at him, this one sticking into his outer thigh. “Did you lose the ability to speak?” he growled as he held his leg, then pulled the shard out.

Snowhawk’s ears were pinned flat against her skull. “You have no claim to her, you bastard.”

“But I do to you, dear cat. Why else would you have done this to yourself?”

“To save her!” the pale lavender mare-in-cat-form replied, pointing to her cousin.

Nytehawk froze at the vampire’s words, stopping her attempt to remove the halter he’d tightly buckled to her face. “What did you do, Snowhawk?”

She simply looked to her cousin, frowning, then looked back to the vampire. “I will save us both.”

“I think not, dear.” Kione rushed, limping, to Snowhawk, again trying to grab her. She once again evaded him. “Down, mare!” he commanded, but this was met with only a slight hesitation. She had resisted him again.

“Try something new, Kione,” Snowhawk grinned, then lept at him. Her speed was incredible, even faster than her sire’s, and completely took Kione off-guard. He soon found himself knocked to the ground by her small frame, but was unable to even catch her long tail as she bounded away.

“Its off!” Nytehawk exclaimed as she threw Kione’s halter to the ground. Snowhawk rushed to her cousin and took hold of her wrist. With out a word, she ran off into the forest with Nytehawk, leaving an angry vampire behind them.

Once a fair distance away, Snowhawk stopped and shifted into her Delphin form. She looked to Nytehawk. “Climb on my back. I’ll carry you to Juv.”

“Won’t he catch us?”

“Doubtful. And once the city knows, he won’t even be able to get to the walls.”

Her cousin nodded, not exactly reassured, but she walked to Snowhawk anyway. Snow easily picked Nyte up and ran off toward Juv.


On the road to Juv, Hunter traveled with Onyx, Adian, and Janus. The chestnut Delphin sighed. “What if Snow can’t save her? What will we do then?”

“You have a Royal Guard, a vampire, and a pissed off wolf standing with you,” Janus replied. “I think we’ll be able to save your mate.”

“And what about yours?” Onyx asked.

“We will save her too. They will both come back with us,” Adian solemnly responded, watching the road ahead of him.

They were just past Di’aru. There were still days of travel ahead of them. Adian was not following the letter of the law, speeding and driving longer than normally allowed.

“Failure is not something I will consider. We will save them.”


Back near Juv, Snowhawk stopped near the edge of the forest and let her cousin down. “We can’t let them know what we are,” Snowhawk began. “I’m not even sure if we’ll be allowed in without Hunter.”

“We have to try,” Nytehawk replied.

“Exactly. We’ll do what we can.”

The two cousins quickly trotted toward the city’s outer gate. They were stopped by two Delphin guards.

“State your business,” one guard demanded.

“I am Snowhawk Alyandra. I, and my cousin, seek to visit your fair city, and speak to your doctors. Ametiton could use some help.”

“Madam Alyandra?! You saved most of this city from slavery.”

“So I am told. But, please, let’s not dwell on that. Nytehawk and I are here to recruit, nothing more.”

“How long will you be staying?” the other guard asked.

“Until we are done. At least three months.”

“Very well. You may pass to the inner gate.”

Both Snowhawk and Nytehawk bowed to the guards and passed through, the gate shutting behind them. Nytehawk gave an audible sigh of relief.

At the second gate, they were stopped by another pair of Delphin guards. “Name and business here?”

Nytehawk stepped forward and bowed. “I am your Society’s leader, Nytehawk. My cousin and I seek to visit your city and hopefully recruit some of your doctors.”

Both guards looked in awe at Snowhawk, then bowed in respect. Snowhawk fidgeted nervously.

“Do you have family in the city, Madam Nytehawk, or should we find you a place to stay?” the other guard inquired.

“My mate is from here, but I’ve never met his family. We will find lodging on our own.”

“Oh, Hunter’s family,” the first guard said. Neither cousin liked how easily they were recognized, or how much was known about them. “Anything else, ladies?”

“My mate, his brother, her mate, and our Royal Guard should be along in a few days,” Snowhawk replied.

“But, Madam Snowhawk, your mate is a slaver–”

“Was,” she replied sternly. “He has kept no slaves since I killed his uncle.”

“He may not be welcome here,” the guard frowned.

“We shall deal with that as needed,” she sternly said.

Nytehawk was somewhat in awe. Her cousin was better at handling people than she could ever hope to be.

“Are you going to keep us here all day?” Snowhawk asked, looking somewhat annoyed.

“No, Madams. Please, enter. We will contact you when your entourage arrives.”

“Thank you, sirs.”

The gates were opened, and the two vampiric Delphin crossed into Juv proper.

The city bustled with life. The streets were crowded. Both Delphin cousins looked at each other, neither having expected this many beings in the city.

Near the gate was a visitor kiosk. The female Feln manning the station looked shocked to see new faces. “How may I help you ladies?”

“We’re looking for your medical district,” Nytehawk commented.

“Specifically, a school directed by a Lupino named Rais.”

“Oh, that school! Sure thing.” The Feln pulled out a city map, and marked two locations on it. “Okay, this is where you are,” she said, pointing to the southern mark, “And this is the school,” she continued, pointing at the mark made on the northwestern part of the map. “And if you need lodging, you can check these three streets.” She made three lines down the center of the map, each running east to west. “And the map is on me. God knows we can’t sell them,” she laughed.

“Thank you very much,” Nytehawk smiled. Snowhawk nodded in agreement. The cousins left the kiosk, heading northwest through the city. As the left the shopping district, the crowds thinned out, but the city was still busy.

They walked for about two hours, eventually finding their way to the school. They called on Rais as soon as they arrived.

“Snowhawk, Nytehawk, how wonderful to see you both!” Rais greeted. “What a pleasant surprise. Would you like to join me in my office”

“Thank you, Rais,” Snowhawk smiled, then her and her cousin walked the short distance to his office.

Rais locked the door as the two entered. “Janus called me three days ago. I’m sorry to hear of your situation.”

“Our secret must be kept.”

“Of course. I will work with you personally, my team will handle the testing, but they won’t know it’s for you.”

“Thank you, Rais,” Nytehawk smiled.

“Shall we get started?”

“Please, and take care of Nytehawk first. I’m too far gone now to make it easy.”

“Oh, dear. I was afraid of that. But it just means that you get to be the first full vampire we test.”

Past Secrets – Version 1 – Chapter 38

Adian slowly stalked down the darkened hallway. It had been two weeks since she’d returned home. Since Snowhawk had not yet left for Juv, and would not be leaving for another few weeks, he was again tasked with keeping her vampirism to a minimum. “How many more times must I go through this?” he quietly asked himself. The jealousy had gotten worse again. If he wasn’t needed, he would just leave. He stopped at the door to Snowhawk’s room, finding it slightly ajar. Strange for her, as it was usually locked. Perhaps his brother had left it open. He cautiously opened the door, peering inside.

Snowhawk was laying across the bed, an unusual position for her. She was on her back, with her arms above her head. Her breathing sounded strange. “Snowhawk?” Adian called. The mare attempted to rise, but she seemed to be forced back down. Then he smelled her blood.

Adian finally put everything together. They were not alone in the room. He looked to the shadows, first seeing his brother’s body propped in the corner. His head hung unnaturally. Then he saw the glimmer of golden eyes.

He growled lowly as he moved to the corner. “What did you do to them?”

Kione simply chuckled, then seemed to vanish into the shadows.

Adian looked at Janus. He was beyond help now. His neck was broken. He clenched his fists in rage, then turned to Snowhawk. Kione had bitten the artery in her neck open, and left her to bleed out. Her blood ran down the side of the bed, pooling on the floor beneath her.

It was now or never.

Adian quickly placed his hand over the would on her throat, trying to stop the bleeding. The wound wouldn’t heal. He had no choice now. He leaned down to her neck, opposite the wound left by Kione, and bit into her soft flesh, then quickly injected his venom.

Time seemed to fly by, and soon she was healed, but miserable at the loss of her love. She was also unsure of her new-found status.

More time flew past, and she had recovered. And she was now his. But something still wasn’t right. Then the room around them turned into an explosion of glass, wood, and other shrapnel.

Adian awoke with a start, and immediately looked to his clock. Three am. Only a week and a couple days after Snowhawk had returned.

It had been another dream.

“I can’t deal with these much longer,” he sighed, holding his head in his hands.

He shook his head, trying to get the images out of his mind. He’d seen her near death before, another memory, real or not, wasn’t needed. Kione would turn her before he killed her, so what was that all about? With another sigh, he sat up and stood from his bed. He pulled on a pair of pants, then a shirt, and left his room. Dream or no dream, he did have to check on Snowhawk and, if necessary, do his part to keep her vampirism beaten back. The mare was something of a night owl anyway, and he’d often found her out and about much later than this.

He wanted to do more to help, but she still insisted on traveling to Juv. She was just waiting on Hunter.

Adian stopped to look through the gardens before he went to check the estate’s camera system. He unexpectedly found Snowhawk there, lying on her back and watching the sky.

“You aren’t asleep are you?” he asked.

She turned her head and smiled softly at him. “No, not this time.” She stretched and sat up with a yawn. “Janus fell asleep early, so I came out to stargaze.”

Adian sat down next to her. He was still a bit shaken from his dream, but tried to make small talk. “Its been good weather for that lately.”

She gave a slight smirk. “Small talk isn’t your thing, I know. What’s up? You seem troubled.”

“Just a bad dream that won’t leave my mind. Nothing more.”

“Dreams can be a window to the unconscious. They tell us what’s bothering us, or scares us.” She turned on the bench to face him, pulling one leg under her. “The least I can do is listen, if you think it will help.”

The wolf nodded, then relayed the details of the dream to her. “And I know,” he added, “that Kione wouldn’t leave you for dead because of Emerald, but it was still unnerving, to say the least.”

Snowhawk nodded. “Understandably so.” She looked down, and seemed to frown for a second. “But we both know he wouldn’t hesitate to kill Janus.”

“That also bothers me. I know how much he means to you, and how hard it was on you when we thought we’d lost him.”

“Let’s just pray that this was only a manifestation of your fears, and not a premonition. I know Lupino aren’t inclined to have those, not like unicorns tend to, but its not unheard of. I would think the only difference would be that you wouldn’t have a chance to turn me.”

“For everyone’s sake, I hope so too,” he sighed.


Janus sighed as he looked at his brother and his love. He knew that the two had grown quite close over the past years, but he couldn’t help but feel jealous. They talked for a fair time before he decided to let his presence be known. “There you are…” he began, giving his love a small smile and striding toward them. “I was worried when I woke up and couldn’t find you.”

“Just came out to stargaze,” she replied, turning toward him. “Adian joined me a short time ago.”

The younger brother nodded at this. “I couldn’t sleep so I came to find her and see if she needed my assistance.”

“You should probably hire some help. You can’t always watch the estate alone,” Janus commented.

Adian smirked at this. His brother was right, but he’d never mentioned raising the security before. “You’re more worried than usual, Janus.”

“Damn right. I think with a pissed off vampire about we all should be.”

“If it’ll make you sleep easier, I’ll track down some help.”

“Thank you. Now, my love,” he began, turning back to Snowhawk and offering her his hand, “would you please come back to bed?”

She smiled softly at him and nodded. “I was just thinking of heading that way.” Snowhawk looked to Adian, still smiling gently, “Good night, my protector.”

Janus stiffened slightly at that. He knew Adian had proclaimed himself her protector, but she seemed too fond of him as she looked at him. His vampire brother would outlive him several times over, and even if Snowhawk managed to avoid becoming a vampire, as her fate seemed to be, she’d still probably outlive the both of them.

As they neared their room, he slowed and eventually stopped in the hallway, lost in thought. “Janus?” she said, gently nosing her muzzle under his.

“I won’t be your last love, will I?”

Snowhawk took a step back. She had wondered when this would come up. “No,” she replied with a sigh. “But you will forever be my greatest. I gave up so much to be with you, and I don’t regret a moment of it.”

“You missed out on Valerian’s childhood. Because of me. And I won’t even be around for us to grow old together. I mean,” he said, growing somewhat frantic, “I’ll be old, but you won’t be.”

“Janus, I would give up being what I am in a heart beat, if I could. But there’s no way to take that away. We may now be able to cure vampirism, but every fucking time this happens, I age a little slower. If I knew what to do, I would.”

Janus had an idea, a way to rid ones self of excess life, but he dared not speak it.

Snowhawk looked down. “I should have been born a Lupino. Then we could have been a proper couple.” She closed her eyes. “I know what you’re thinking. I could kill myself after you die. But I have more to live for, like my sons.”

“I wasn’t going to say that–”

“But you were thinking it. I know, because I thought it. Then I realized how devastated Valerian would be.”

“I just don’t want to go to my grave with the thought of you–”

“What?” she snapped, cutting him off. “Burying you, then going to sleep with Adian?”


“What’s gotten into you, Janus? I thought you understood my relationship with Adian. Yet you act like I’m just waiting for you to bite it. Like I wouldn’t mourn your loss. Like I wouldn’t be crushed at losing you. Again.”

Janus took a step back at that. He’d pushed the memory of Anya taking him so far back that he’d also lost sight of how devastated Snowhawk must have been. “Snowhawk…”

“Do you really think so little of me?”

“No, love it’s n–”

Snowhawk glared at him. “Don’t call me that unless you fucking mean it.”

“But I do! Snowhawk…”

“Jealousy doesn’t suit you. Just like it doesn’t suit your brother, but I bet you have no idea what he goes through.”


“You really never noticed? Why do you think he tries so hard to protect me? Regardless of how often I fuck it up.”

“So after I’m gone, it would be him.”

“You’re not dying anytime soon. And I will do everything I can to keep you safe. I don’t want to think of losing you again. But you act like I’m burying you tomorrow!”

Janus was silent for a moment. “There’s nothing between you two?”

“Nothing. There never has been, even when we thought you were dead. Long after you’re gone, maybe. But for now, when it’s important, no. We live long, we mourn long.”

Janus moved cautiously towards her, then wrapped his arms around her, burying his muzzle in her mane. “I just love you so much. I just…” he softly cried.

Snowhawk wrapped her arms around him in return, gently nuzzling him. “I know, love… And I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. Let’s go back to bed now.”


Nytehawk awoke with a start. Sharp nails were suddenly digging into her flesh and her vision was mostly consumed by a white-furred hand over her eyes.  “Unhand me, dammit!” she screamed as she felt a pair of pinpricks on her neck.

She felt nothing after that.


Hunter wandered his home, looking for his mate. She had gotten up in the middle of the night, and it was now near dawn. She never came back to bed, and that wasn’t like her. He searched the entierty of the grounds, asking all of the staff if she had been seen, but soon found himself back in their bedroom, and still on square one.

“Where did you go, love?” he asked the rising sun.


Deep in the forests south of Juv, Nytehawk groggily awoke. She was naked, in a strange bed, and an even stranger cabin. Blood stained the fur on her chest. She felt dizzy just from sitting up. Across from her, a strange Delphin sat. He had red and white fur, a ruby horn spiraled in silver, and long silver hair. His eyes seemed to glow gold. “Good. You’re awake.”

“Who are you?” she asked, inching backwards. She heard the rattle of a chain as she moved, then looked down to see a steel cuff fastened to her left leg, a chain running from it. “What did you do to me?”

“I gave you a gift. And you’re going to use that gift to help me kill a wolf.”

“Says who?”

“I do,” Kione commanded, grinning as her eyes half closed and she relaxed slightly. “You’re as pliable as your cousin. Perhaps more so,” he grinned.

The commanded Nytehawk made no response.

“And now, my ticket into Juv, wake up.”

Nytehawk moaned softly and lightly shook her head as she was released from the vampire’s command. “Who are you?” she repeated.

“My name is Kione. I’m sure Snowhawk mentioned me.”


“Yes, my new friend. And you’re just like her now, though you won’t have another vampire to pull you from the edge,” he grinned.

“There’s a cure–”

“Not for long. We are going to make sure of that.”

“I won’t.”

“Yes, my pale Delphin, you will,” he said as he stood and advanced toward her.


Snowhawk canted her head to the side as Hunter relayed his tale to her. “She woke up one night and then never came back to bed. It’s not like her.”

“No. That’s more of what I’d do,” Snowhawk replied, glancing to her protector and his brother, seeing both give a nod of resigned approval.

“Please, help me find her.”

“Of course.”

About that time, Hunter’s phone rang and he scrambled to answer it. “Hello?”

“Uncle?” came Valerian’s voice over the other end.

“Yes, what is it?”

“I just got a letter I think you should see. And my mom too.”

“Of course, we’ll be right there.” Hunter replaced his phone in his pocket, the looked to Snowhawk. “Care to join me?”

“Not at all.”

Valerian didn’t know his mother was there. She was stopping by for credentials from Hunter before she made her trip to Juv. Hunter was relieved to see her, as it had already been a day his mate was missing.

The two Delphin and two Lupino made their way to the front of the estate, where Valerian would be, if he had recieved a letter.

“Mom!” the young Delphin cried out as he saw Snowhawk, running to her.

“Hello, son,” she smiled. “What’s this about a letter?”

Valerian handed the letter to her as Hunter looked over her shoulder. Her face darkened and she frowned as she read. “Son of a bitch,” she cursed.

“What is it?” Janus asked.

“Kione,” she simply stated, handing the letter to Hunter. “He captured her. And he half turned her.”

“What?!” Adian said, shocked.

“Why?” Hunter replied.

“I don’t know, but it has something to do with Juv.”

“We have to get down there,” Adian said, still shocked.

Snowhawk looked down, then back up at the group after a moment. “Meet me there. I’ll run ahead.”

“You’ll never make it as a mortal!” Janus reminded.

“Right now, it doesn’t matter. She does. One of you find out where Onyx has gotten off t–”

“I know!” Valerian interrupted, then turned on his heels and ran off.

“Damn boy,” Snowhawk frowned.

“Just like his mother,” Janus grinned.

“Right. Well, once he gets back with the Guard, head to Juv. I’ll track Kione down in the mean time.”

“But, Snowhawk,” Adian frowned, “your condition–”

“I have to, Adi. Besides, what better place to go?”

“Just… Don’t exhaust yourself like last time.”

“Tell Valerian I said goodbye,” she said, then turned and began to run from the estate.

Past Secrets – Version 1 – Chapter 37

Weeks would pass. The vampire had since half turned Snowhawk, again in hopes of finding his lost Emerald. And to prevent any unnecessary risk of the living mare escaping, Kione had taken to bringing her with him while he browsed the city of Di’aru for prey, and while looking for food the stubborn mare would eat. Seeing one Delphin leading another was an uncommon, but not unheard of sight in the slaver city. No one suspected the leading Delphin’s true nature, and that his leashed companion wasn’t really his slave.

While out on one of these trips, as Kione looked over a fruit stand in the marketplace, Snowhawk felt a tug at her dress. When she looked down, she saw a Lupino child, about five years old, staring up at her with a camera clutched tightly in his hands. “Can I– can I take your picture?” the boy asked.

Kione’s ear turned first then his head as he looked back to the pale Delphin. “Yes, child, you may,” he stated, then turned back to the vendor before him.

Lupino and Feln children didn’t age as fast as Delphin children, but their trade off for a longer childhood was a shorter lifespan. Snowhawk smiled at the little wolf, who was nearly the same fur color as Janus, and then crouched down to his level. A quick flash later, and the boy beamed. “Thank you!” he exclaimed. “I’ve never seen a Delphin like you before.”

“Well,” Snowhawk began, “there aren’t many colored like me.”

“But you glow too!” the child noted, having spotted the shimmer from her fur.

“Its just from the light, dear. Now, you should probably head back to your family. I think we’ll be moving on soon.”

“Thanks, lady!” the boy smiled, then ran off into the crowd.

Snowhawk’s smile faded as she stood. She dropped her head refusing to look at the vampire. “I will escape from you, Kione. And you will not survive.”

“Bold words coming from someone who can’t even escape her own bonds at night.”

“That won’t be the case for long. Once I free myself of your command, you won’t be able to stop me.”

The vampire laughed. “Foolish mare. No one can escape my command. Not even your precious wolves.”

“Just watch me, you dick. You’ll be on the floor bleeding out when I’m done with you.”

“Very bold, mare. But very foolish to think you’ll ever break free on your own. Now come!” he commanded, jerking on her leash. With half closed, dull eyes, she followed him.


“Have you seen this Delphin?” Janus asked as he held a picture of Snowhawk up for what felt like the thousandth time that day.

“Actually yes,” the female Lupino replied. “My son took a picture of her earlier in the marketplace.”

“Who was she with?” Adian then asked.

“A red and white Del. With really long silver hair.”

“A unicorn?” Adian continued. The mother nodded. “Shit.”

“Is she your slave?”

Janus shook his head. “She was, but she was freed. She’s my mate.”

“I wish you luck in your search. I can tell you they headed south after leaving the market. I’m sorry I don’t know anything more.”

“No, you’ve been a great help,” Janus replied. “Thank you.”

As the brothers walked south through the city’s outskirts, still asking residents if they had seen Snowhawk, Janus turned to his brother. “Why is he taking her out with him?”

“Either he lives in a shady spot of town, or he’s trying to prevent her from escaping. If he’s turned her, or partially turned her, she would be harder to control while he’s away. She could break her bonds and be free then. ”

“It just seems like a risk to have her out. She’s still a rarity and someone might want to steal her, then we might be screwed.”

Adian nodded in agreement. Then he happened to look up to glimpse just the vampire they were looking for. “They’re still out,” he grinned.

It wasn’t long before the vampire spotted them as well. “Well, well, what do we have here?” he began as he walked toward the wolves, leading the still commanded Snowhawk behind him.

“Let her go now, Kione and there won’t be any trouble,” Adian demanded.

“Now why would I do that? I’m still trying to break through this wall she’s put up to hide Emerald from me.” Kione turned to Snowhawk and snapped his fingers in front of her face. The mare immediately woke up.

“Now where am I,” she moaned. Then she saw Janus and Adian and tried to run to them. However, Kione kept her on a short leash.

“Not this time, mare,” he grinned. “You’re lucky I even let you see them.”

Snowhawk cursed at Kione in the Delphin language. The vampire grinned once more and told her, in Delphin, that she wasn’t escaping again. She growled at him, and reminded him of the threat she made before.

Adian walked toward the arguing pair, hoping to get close enough to grab Snowhawk. However, Kione saw him and tugged the female behind him. “You’ll never have her back. Either I get Emerald back, or I have a lovely, if angry, trophy. You wolves lose regardless.”

“We will never give up on her, Kione.”

“You’re weak, Adian. You have no hope of getting her back, ever.”

As Kione was distracted by Adian, Snowhawk pondered how to break the chain that was her leash. She looked at Janus, and nodded him toward his brother and the vampire. Another distraction would be helpful. As her love joined his brother in distracting the vampire, she saw her escape: the rivet holding the leash end together was loose. A strong enough tug would break it. And she felt she had that strength as a half-vampire, or that the combination of her pulling back and Kione fighting her might do it.

She knew she could never outrun Kione, so she then had to plan out what she would do once she was free. She would have a long chain as a weapon, and while it was no dagger, it could suffice. She couldn’t flee, but she could fight. And she had her two wolves now to back her up.

Her plan set in her head, she took a quick step back to tighten the leash. The vampire began to turn around to see why she was moving away but soon found himself brought to the ground by Adian. Snowhawk wasn’t expecting this and knelt quickly when she realized Kione wasn’t releasing the leash. Once he was on the ground, she yelled “Hold him!” and quickly stood, pulling on the chain with her hands.

The pinned vampire growled. ” What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

“Getting her away from you.”

“Sit down, mare!” Kione growled.

Snowhawk wavered a moment, then fought against the vampire’s command. “Not this time,” she growled back.

Kione was shocked. No one had ever resisted his command before, especially not one he was connected with. Undeterred, however, he again commanded, “I said down!”

This time there was no hesitation. The pale mare sank to her knees, then dropped her head to the ground.

“Dammit!” Adian howled. “Release her!” he demanded as his brother ran to her side.

“I think not,” Kione grinned.

Adian had had enough. He bit down on the back of the vampire’s neck. His top canine teeth grew into fangs and sank deep into Kione’s neck. The elder vampire cried out in pain, knowing Adian could easily bite his vertebrae into pieces. It wouldn’t kill him outright, but he would be left as the mare had warned, bleeding out into the dust of the street. Not exactly her prophecy, but there was a high chance of death if the wolf didn’t release him.

Kione growled lowly, then told Snowhawk to awaken. As the mare lifted her head, Kione dropped the leash he held.
“Will you let me go now?” he asked Adian.

The younger wolf thought for a moment, then growled at the vampire beneath him. He clamped his jaws further around the Delphin’s neck.

“I’ll leave you fools be!” Kione promised.

Adian still wasn’t convinced. He growled again. A half moment later, as Snowhawk finally shook her head clear of the last bit of Kione’s command, and she looked at the two, a sickening crunch was heard as Adian bit through the vampire’s spine.

Snowhawk suddenly shifted to Emerald. Her pale lavender fur turned grey, her mane and tail blackened and grew to an insane length, all while she shrank several inches. “No!” the grey mare called out. She scrambled to Kione’s side as a shocked Adian, blood dripping from his mouth, stood and backed away.

Kione was barely aware of Emerald’s presence, but he still managed a small smile for her. Tears were already pouring down her cheeks as she placed her small hands over as much of his wound as she could. “You can’t heal this,” he whispered.

“I must!” she cried. Her cold blue eyes closed as her spiraled green horn began to glow. The two Lupino moved away slightly, shocked at what they just saw and what they were seeing. The gaping wound beneath Emerald’s hands glowed like her horn, then began to shrink in size. Rendered bone, tendon, muscle, and flesh began to grow back.

The Delphin that could heal such a wound was rare indeed.

It took only a couple of minutes, though it seemed longer, for the wound to close. As Emerald removed her hands from Kione’s newly healed wound, she began to slowly change again. She sat back as she returned to Snowhawk, then collapsed from exhaustion once she was fully herself again.

Kione stood, slowly and wobbly, and looked at the two wolves. He had the perfect chance to grab her again and run, but he knew he couldn’t go far. He was too weak. “You win this round, wolves, but I will return. Especially now that I know she’s still there.” He gave another grin, then vanished into the shadows.

Janus rushed back to Snowhawk’s side. “Love, wake up…” he softly cried. She replied with a quiet moan, but found herself unable to wake.

“She’ll probably be out for days,” Adian commented. “Let’s just… Get her home for now.”

Janus nodded and gently picked Snowhawk up, then the two lupine brothers made their way out of the city, and back to their vehicle.


Snowhawk was out of consciousness for two full days, plus several hours of the third. She gasped softly, awaking from a dream, her magenta eyes fluttering open. She slowly sat up, studying the room around her. It was familiar, comforting, and hers. As she swung her legs over the side of the bed, she thought of the events that had transpired. She stood and walked to a wardrobe near the bed. A favorite robe, fleecy and soft, if not at all fashionable, was found. She pulled it on, fumbled with the zipper, and finally zipped it closed. She grabbed the robe’s hood and pulled it up, then returned to the bed.

She sat back down on the edge, then shifted to her feline form. Her legs dangled below her, and she crossed them at the ankles, one paw’s toes grabbing the others. Her tail also wrapped around her legs, and she crossed her arms before her.

“What did I do…” she whispered to herself.

Even the comfort around her couldn’t console her. She sighed raggedly and gently rocked herself back and forth.

A moment later, Janus quietly entered the room, a steaming mug of coffee in his hand. He smiled as he saw her up. “Good to see you’re awake, love.”

She glanced over at him as he walked closer to her. “I really fucked it up this time, didn’t I?”

“No, dear, not at all. You couldn’t stop the transformation, or Emerald’s actions.”

“Still,” she began, looking back down, “I’m a liability. I can’t even take down the stupid vampire that’s made my life hell.”

Janus placed his coffee cup on the end table, then sat next to her, wrapping an arm around her. “You’re never a liability. We just need a better game plan.”

She gave a small, almost unbelieving nod.

“Should I call Rais here again?” he asked, trying to take her mind of the subject.

She thought for a moment, then shook her head. “No. I’ll go to Juv this time.”

“But if the Delphin there find out you’re half-vampire…”

“No one needs to know why I’m there.”

Janus sighed. “Very well.” He thought for a moment. “Take Hunter with you. Should be easier then.”

She knew he was not looking forward to her leaving. “It can wait a few days. I’m still exhausted.”

Janus looked relieved. “What ever you want, dear. But Adian and I will make the arrangements in the mean time.”

Snowhawk nodded and leaned against him. She was quiet for a few minutes, then looked up at Janus. “How long was I out?”

“Nearly three days.”

“Well, I hope Emerald won’t try that again anytime soon.”

Past Secrets – Version 1 – Chapter 36

It would be several weeks and many treatments before Janus was feeling close to a hundred percent. But he was much improved, so that raised a huge weight off both Snowhawk and Adian’s shoulders.

Or so it seemed.

Adian’s jealousy had not lessened any during the weeks of his brother’s treatments. If anything, the monster inside of him had grown. He finally broke down and called Jerome, hoping perhaps the Guardian could give him some advice. The two agreed to meet to discuss things face to face.

“So,” Jerome began as the two sat down at a table in Ginia’s bar some hours later, “what’s bothering you?”

“Well, I guess the easiest answer is Snowhawk.”

“Aah. She has that effect, doesn’t she?”

The wolf sighed. “Yes. I’m not sure what to do.”

“What’s up?”

“I’m jealous of my brother being the one in her heart. And not me. I went so far as to move out of the main estate building to try and distance myself from her. And I’m still not happy with the out come.”

“This is complicated, my young friend.”

“Tell me about it…”

“And I’m sure you don’t want to go too far because of who seems to keep stalking her.”

“Right. I think I worry more now that I’m moved than I did before.”

“And moving back in wouldn’t help you any.”


Jerome sighed, then gave a small smile and laugh. “That mare is just trouble. But she never means it.”

“I know. And I think she does too.”

“Well, lets keep talking, and we might figure something out.”


Elsewhere in the city, Valerian again paced in his room. The young man had barely heard from his mother over the past few months, and was beginning to worry something had happened to her. Again.

He again picked up his phone and dialed her number, hopeful for an answer. Her sleepy voice answered this time. “Oh, sorry to wake you up,” he apologized.

He heard a yawn from her end, then she replied with “Don’t worry, son. What’s up?”

“I was just worried about you. I haven’t heard from you in a while.”

“Everything is fine. I’ve just been… distracted with Janus going through the treatments to try and remove the remaining Avizon venom.”

“How’s that been going?”

“Quite well. There’ve been a few minor setbacks, but overall, quite well.”

His mother had a tendency to repeat herself when she was nervous. “Are you sure everything is okay?”

“Yes, just fine. How are your brothers?”

“Busy. But they’ve been showing me how to track and all kids of cool stuff when they can.”

“Good to hear.” He could picture her smile over the phone.

“So, when can I come over next?”

She paused and sighed. “Well, today if you’d like. We’d all love to see you.”

“Okay! I’ll get ready and be on my way!”


“Yes, Mom?”

“Have someone drive you. There have been reports of a certain vampire in the area and I don’t want him to hurt you.”

“Will do, Mom.”

Within two hours, a familiar truck pulled in front of the Sininensusi estate and three brothers hopped out. Snowhawk had been waiting anxiously for the youngest to arrive, but was not expecting to see her older sons.

“Jesse, Cody, how wonderful to see you again,” she smiled as she embraced each of the brothers in turn.

“When Valerian said you wanted someone to drive him, we thought we’d just make a family outing of it,” Jesse responded.

“I appreciate that.”

“Do you mind if we stay a while?” Cody asked.

“Not at all,” their mother replied.


Four days later, Snowhawk semi-collapsed onto her bed, then looked at Janus. “Well, that was a pleasant visit.”

“Indeed,” he replied as he sat down on the opposite side. “Uneventful too, thankfully.”

“Very thankfully. Especially with the reports of Kione creeping around.”

“I’d say I wonder what he’s up to, but it’s not like we don’t know.”

As the wolf lay down next to his equine love, she wrapped an arm around him and cuddled close. “I’m terrified to think he’s close again.”

“I know, love, but we’ll protect you.”


“My brother and me. Neither of us want to see Kione take you away again.”

“I hate to ask anything of Adian, especially now.”

“Don’t worry, love.”

She nodded as a blanket was pulled around her, and her wolf embraced her once again. Soon after, she drifted into a restless sleep.


“Can’t I at least go with you?” Janus pleaded to Snowhawk.

“I’m just going to the back of the property.” she replied as she gathered a bundle of flowers in her arms. “I’ll be gone less than an hour. I just,” she paused, looking at the flowers, “I just need to do this alone. Its been some thirteen years. I never let him know I understood. He didn’t have to do what he did to get his point across. Now he’s dead. Because of me.”

Legacy had been buried on the grounds. No one claimed his body, so Adian had taken it upon himself to give the Delphin a resting place. Janus wished he had picked a different spot, but time was at a premium. “I’m just worried about you.”

“Worry if I don’t come back in an hour, love. I’ll be fine.”

“You’ve said that before and were wrong.”


“Okay, okay. I’ll worry if you’re more than an hour gone.”

She game him a small smile and left the study. Moments later, she left the relative safety of the estate and the gardens, entering into a small field. She crossed this place quickly, remembering her past here, and trotted into the wooded area behind the estate. Adian had Legacy buried near the pond she so loved. Not at, but near. Snowhawk didn’t even know about this until Adian had let it slip just a day earlier while he was talking to her older boys.

She soon found the spot where Legacy had been buried. Marked with a simple, rounded headstone, the plot would have been easy to miss. “Oh Legacy…” She whispered as she crouched down and began to remove weeds and the forest’s debris from the grave site. She talked to him as she worked, as if he could hear her, telling him about their child and how he’d grown into a handsome young man. About the turmoil that had been left in the wake of his passing and the subsequent scramble to find a new head of security, which ultimately fell to Nytehawk’s Guardian. She told him of becoming a vampire and of Kione. Of her connection with Emerald. Everything since he had died.

Then, she felt a presence near her. But before she could think, she was tackled and pinned to the ground, atop the newly cleared grave. “I should turn you right now,” Kione’s voice growled. “There’s no reason not to. And its not like anyone can save you out here.”

“What are you doing back here?” she gasped, finding it hard to breathe with the vampire’s weight on her.

“I’ve been waiting on you to fuck up. And, oh boy, did you ever this time. Its like you knew I was watching and you just wanted to deliver yourself to me.”

“Give it up, vampire. You’ll never get her back.”

“Oh, I will. But for now, you need to sleep,” he grinned, and watched as she fought his command for a moment, then passed out on the dirt below her.

He hefted her onto his shoulder, then vanished into the shadows.


Back in the estate, Janus paced nervously. It had been nearly an hour since Snowhawk had left. Though the brick and iron fence surrounded the property, it had long been neglected back in the woods. Not that a fence would keep out a vampire such as Kione. Once the full hour had passed, Janus went to track down his brother.

But he was met by the very wolf he meant to search for. “Janus,” Adian began, “I think we may have a problem.”

“Snowhawk is missing. Of course we have a problem!”

“Wait, what?”

“She heard you when you let slip where Legacy was buried, so she went to ‘talk’ to him.”

“Fuck. That’s why he’s been creeping around here.”

“Please don’t tell me you mean the vampire.”

“Who else? He abandoned the cottage in the northern forest, and I think he may be gearing up to try and get Emerald back again.”

“This can’t keep happening,” Janus moaned, stumbling to a chair to sit.

“I know, brother.”

“So what now?”

“I’ve got to track him down. Find where he’s hiding this time.”

Janus just nodded, then dropped his head into his hands. His brother just walked to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll get her back.”


Elsewhere in the world, near the city of Di’aru, the elder vampire gloated over his latest capture. She would be turned soon, and then he could better work to get his love back. But first, for being such a pain in his rear, he’d toy with her.

Once she was secured, he said to her “Wake up, mare!”

She slowly opened her eyes, blinking several times. She tried to stretch, but found her arms secured behind her, and her legs tied together. “What the hell…” she began, but was soon cut off by the vampire’s hand around her muzzle.

“I said wake up, not speak.”

She grumbled at this. He was treating her like a damned slave. Again. She shook her head, trying to free herself from his hand, but was unsuccessful.

“You are mine now, mare. And I will tell you when to speak.” He released her muzzle.

She glared at him. “Fuck off. I belong to no one.”

His hand was quickly on her again, this time at her throat. “Don’t think I won’t seriously harm you.”

“What are you gonna do?” she choked out. “Any mark you put on me will harm your precious Emerald.”

The vampire growled. She was correct, as the scars on her body stayed when she had transformed into Emerald. He couldn’t really hurt her, not with a blade’s edge anyway. “There are other ways to take you down a few notches.”

“Try me, vampire.”

“Oh I will, mare.”

Past Secrets – Version 1 – Chapter 35

Janus waited impatiently for six days, hoping that the Avizon his brother discovered would indeed be his savior. The personality swings had gotten worse and his fur had once again darkened. He was in another terrifying point of this cycle. He’d again attacked Snowhawk the night before, and hadn’t seen her since. He assumed she was hiding with his brother.

Adian had proclaimed himself Snowhawk’s guardian, but his brother seemed to have an ulterior motive to protecting her. He wasn’t sure, but he felt that the chocolate furred wolf was trying to steal her away. Perhaps he hadn’t changed as much as he thought. Why else would he spend so much time with her? The mere thought of his brother and his love together made him angry.

Janus drew a deep breath. “Calm down,” he told himself. “She’d never leave you.” But the thought was still there. He could not take this out on Snowhawk again. She would eventually come to a point where she really wouldn’t be able to handle it, and in that state, may make a move he would forever regret.

But that’s not now. He needed to find her and apologize for the previous night. She meant the world to him, and to lose her to something as stupid as this other persona would be unbearable.

He left the chair he’d been sitting in, and walked out of his study. He had to find his bird.

Moments later, he softly knocked on Adian’s door. It was soon opened by his brother, and Janus could see his lightly furred love asleep in his bed. A scowl crossed his muzzle. “Behaving, I hope?” Janus asked.

“More than I could say for you,” his brother stared, returning the scowl.

“You know that wasn’t me.”

“I do. She does too,” he nodded to the sleeping female, ” but that doesn’t make it hurt any less for her.”

“What are you getting at, brother?”

“I warned you not to hurt her again, but you’re too weak to control this other persona. The only reason I don’t take her from you is it would break her heart to lose you again.”

“So just what are you getting at?”

“If things don’t improve by the time Rais leaves, don’t expect me to just give her back next time she runs to me to get away from you.”

“But you just said–!” Janus began.

“I know what I said,” Adian replied, cutting him off. “But what’s better for her? Losing you slowly, or all at once?”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Don’t underestimate me, brother.” Adian said as he walked out of his room, roughly bumping into Janus on the way out.

Snowhawk sat up as soon as Adian was out of earshot. She looked confused.

“How much did you hear?” Janus worriedly asked, walking over to her.

“Enough,” she replied, a frown on her face. “Janus, I had no idea…”

“I know, love. I didn’t either.” Janus sat down on the edge of the bed, next to her. “I almost wish you hadn’t heard that.”

“I’m sure he’s just stressed,” she whispered. “I think we all are.”

“I’m sorry,” he said. “For everything.”

She shook her head and sighed. “Don’t be. I know you didn’t mean last night. And I know you don’t wish to be trouble for us.”

“I’m just scared,” he admitted. “I don’t want to lose you.”

“And I don’t want to lose you either,” she said with a small smile. “Things are going to be rough.”

“I know.”

“This Avizon Adian has found will hopefully make things easier. But we still need to think of what to do about your brother.”

“I’m really not sure,” Janus frowned. “He’s important to both of us, and I know his stability is important to you.”

“Jealousy is a hell of a thing to deal with,” she said as she climbed from the bed.


Hours later, Rais and his team finally arrived at the estate. Adian, still not having said another word to Janus, left to find Ginia and hope she could provide a means to save his brother. He was only doing this for Snowhawk’s sake. The pale mare seemed to be the main thing on his mind lately. He’d also considered moving back into the small house on the grounds that he used to live in. Distancing himself from her and his brother might be a good thing.

He sighed as he entered the bar. Ginia’s familiar Lupino form stood behind the bar, but the place seemed otherwise empty. She waved him over and then quickly wrote out, “I have one customer here,” then discreetly pointed to a corner booth.

Adian quickly glanced over, taking note of the red and silver furred, unicorn Delphin sitting in the strangely darkened corner. He didn’t care for the feeling the equine gave off, or the feeling that he couldn’t seem to focus on him.

“We can go in the back. He’ll be okay for a few minutes,” she wrote.

“If you’re sure,” Adian replied.

Ginia gave a small nod, then turned and led Adian to the back of the bar. She disappeared behind a windowless door, and leading him down into the basement where extra alcohol was stored. Going far into the storage area, amidst specality wines and the like, she turned to face him, and her wolf form changed into a draconic one.

“Thank you for doing this,” Adian bowed as she grabbed a nearby jar and unscrewed the lid.

Having left her notepad upstairs, she simply nodded and smiled, then brought the jar to her mouth, and carefully placed her fangs over the edge, then pressed the edge into her jaw to express the venom within her. She’d practiced this a couple times in the days since his first visit. There was never much venom, but her venom sacs were on the smaller side.

After emptying the sacs, she screwed the lid on tightly, then handed the jar to the chocolate furred wolf.

“Thank you,” Adian said.

Another smile and a nod, and Ginia changed back into her Lupino form. The two left the cellar where they returned to her notepad. She quickly scrawled down “I hope everything works out for you.”

“Me too, Ginia. And thank you, again.”

“Don’t worry about thanking me,” she wrote, “just get back to your brother.”

“Heading back now,” he smiled, then left the bar, his precious cargo in hand.


Returning to the estate, Adian was greeted by Rais and his brother. “Welcome back,” the former said.

Adian was almost stunned. After what he’d said and done, his brother was acting like nothing had happened? “Thank you,” he replied, then turned to Rais. “I believe this is what you need,” the chocolate wolf said as he handed the jar to the other Lupino.

“Indeed. Thank you, Adian. This should give us the insite we need into the Avizon’s venom, and it should help your brother return to normal.”

“One can certainly hope.” Adian paused, then turned to Janus. “I’ll be moving back into my little house on the property. I think I need some time away, but I know I can’t leave this place unguarded.”

Janus gave a small nod. “If you think its for the best, then I can’t stop you. But will you at least let Snowhawk know before you begin hauling your stuff back there?”

“Of course. Where is she?”

“I believe she’s still in your room. Thinking. She heard us this morning.”

Adian folded his ears back. “Oh…” The younger brother reached up and scratched his head. “Dammit, this will be awkward.”

“Maybe not. Just tell her what’s going on. She’s strong.”

Adian gave a nod and turned toward his room. As he left, Janus looked at Rais and said, “I apologize. I don’t want to get you involved in this family matter.”

“Don’t worry,” Rais smiled. “I have two boys of my own. Much younger than you two, but brothers will be brothers. Now, my team and I are going to go get started, and we’ll call for you when we’re ready.”

“Thank you, Rais.”


Adian slowly stepped in his room, looking up to see Snowhawk sitting on his bed in her feline form, and wearing the green dress he gave her long ago. Her legs dangled and her paws didn’t touch the floor. The Feln-formed-Delphin looked up as Adian entered, and gave him a small smile. He could tell she had a lot on her mind. “I’m sorry you had to hear that argument this morning.”

The cat shook her head. “If that’s how you feel, then don’t apologize.”

“It is. And I don’t know if you have any idea how hard it is for me to not just take what I want.”

“I have some idea. Its been hard for me to stand by your brother while his personality has shifted so much.” Adian hadn’t considered she was ever thinking of leaving Janus. “Especially with you around.” She sighed and continued on. “You took over the role left open when Legacy died. You’ve always been there when I needed and backed off to just watch when I didn’t. You’ve been a better Guardian than I could have ever asked for. And I do deeply care about you. We both know I’m going to outlive Janus several times over, as will you. So let’s not do anything rash until then. Both of us. I’ve made a promise to your brother, and I intend to keep it.”

Adian sighed, almost in relief. “Very well. And I will remain your protector as long as you’ll have me.”

“For as long as you think I’m worth protecting.”

“Now, all that said,” he cautiously began, “I’m going to move back into the little house I have on the property, once Janus is back to normal.”

Snowhawk looked down. “I see.”

“Don’t worry. I promise I won’t go farther than that. And I’ll be in the house often enough with keeping security around here.”

She gave a small nod.

Adian smiled at her. “Now, let’s go find my brother.”

They didn’t have to search long for Janus, soon finding him in his preferred study, waiting on news from Rais. “Everything alright?” he asked the pair as they walked in.

Snowhawk gave a small nod, then quickly crossed the room to him.  She sat down in his lap, wrapping her arms around him, and hugging him tightly.

Adian looked away from the pair, still feeling jealous, even if he had made a pact with Snowhawk.

Fortunately for Adian, Rais soon called Janus and asked that he meet them. The trio walked to the appointed meeting spot, the estate’s large dining room for news about the Avizon venom.

“Well,” Rais began, “I have good news and potential bad news. The good is that we can make an anti-venom. The bad news is that it may not work.”

“That’s a risk I have to take,” Janus stated. “Things can’t keep going like they’re going.”

“Very well, but if we see side effects like we saw before, especially the memory loss, we’ll stop treatment immediately.”

Janus nodded to the other Lupino. “Understood.”

Snowhawk hopped up from Janus’ lap and the light furred wolf stood and followed the Director out. Once they were out of sight, Snowhawk sank down into the chair Janus had just been in. “I’m so scared of losing him this time,” she admitted to Adian, who kneeled next to her.

“He’s in the best hands possible. I’m sure you will be able to honor your vow to him longer than just tonight.”

“I hope so,” she said, trying to wipe the tears from her eyes.


Hours later, Rais escorted Janus to his room. The pale wolf was exhausted, but felt better than he had in weeks. When they opened the door, they saw a sleeping Snowhawk. She was curled up on the bed, her back to the door, but they could tell she was clutching something tightly.

“I’ll take my leave, now. I’ll be back for you in the morning.”

“Thank you, Rais,” Janus said with a small bow. Once the Director was on his way, Janus entered the room and sat on the edge of the bed. His love was clutching his pillow, and her equine face was stained with tears. “Oh, Snowhawk,” he said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

The mare awoke with a start. She quickly turned around and nearly hit Janus with the pillow. “Holy shit, you scared me,” she panted.

The wolf couldn’t help but laugh at her reaction. “Sorry, love.” He gently stroked her arm as she calmed herself down. “In the middle of a bad dream?”

She nodded. “I don’t really want to say what, but yes. It’s like I can’t get away from my fears.”

“Well, I do have some good news. I think the treatment is working this time. It’s just making me very tired.”

“That’s excellent news!” she exclaimed. Janus smiled broadly and leaned in to embrace her. Snowhawk in turn turned and embraced him as well. “I’m so glad,” she said, “I’ve been so afraid that I’m going to lose you.”

“You’re not going to lose me, love. I’ll beat this, I promise.”

Past Secrets – Version 1 – Chapter 34

It had been three quiet months since Snowhawk’s treatment had ended and Rais had returned to Juv. Adian sat outside, the crystal clear night bitterly cold. The wolf had a great deal on his mind, but most of it revolved around the pale Delphin he’d sworn to protect. Why can’t you be mine, Snow? he mused. He sat in the cold for hours, trying to calm his thoughts. The sky clouded up, and soon, a few flakes of snow began to fall. Perhaps he could… No. He couldn’t betray his brother, and she wouldn’t appreciate being forced to love him. He wouldn’t turn into the very vampire they were so determined to destroy. But the long years ahead looked dim.

“Adian?” Snowhawk’s voice called out. “What are you doing out in this freezing weather?” She carried a small lantern, and had a heavy cloak pulled about her.

The Lupino quickly cleared his mind and turned to see her pale form, her exposed fur glowing ever-so-slightly in the light. “Just thinking. It wasn’t snowing earlier.” She was a light to him. Despite everything, she still shone.

“Do you mind if I join you?”

“Only if my brother doesn’t.”

She smiled and walked closer to him, then sat fairly near him. She set her lantern down, and turned on the bench, pulling one leg up on it, to face him. “I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused you.”

“Snowhawk, there’s no trouble I won’t go through for you. I swore to protect you, and that’s what I’ll do.”

“But even before that. Because of Kione.”

“I think of it like this, if Kione hadn’t found me after Sophie tried to kill me, I probably wouldn’t be here to protect you from him. He knew who you were, and you’d honestly probably be gone by now, turned back to Emerald. Then I’d have a moping brother to have to listen to while I haunted him.”

The Delphin smiled again. “I really appreciate everything, Adi.”

They sat in silence for a few moments, then Adian asked, “How has my brother been doing when I’m not around? Has Kirrian returned?”

Snowhawk looked down, shuffling her hooves a bit. “Sometimes. I’m still not sure, some nights, if Janus will be able to fight him off.”

“Don’t hesitate to call for help if you need it, Snowhawk. Protecting you from harm means from my brother too.”

The mare give a small nod, then turned to Adian and unexpectedly hugged him. “Thank you,” she whispered. In turn, the Lupino wrapped one arm around her, simply wishing this wouldn’t stop. “I’d better go,” she said after a minute, pulling away from him. “I’m getting tired. Please don’t stay out too late. A wolf-sicle isn’t going to help me any.”

Adian couldn’t help but smile. “No, it wouldn’t.”

After she vanished back into the estate, he’d reached up to where her face had been against his chest. His shirt was damp. Had she been crying? Perhaps his brother was worse off than she let on. The Director had warned them he could have periods where he was worse than others as his body reacted to the residual effects of the Avizon venom.

Following Snowhawk leaving, Adian sat alone, in silence, for another half hour. He watched as where she’d sat and where her hooves had fallen were covered in snow. He wondered what it meant, to her, now that she’d taken her steel shoes off. Had they been a fashion statement for the past decade, or was she actually trying to fight against her nature? Either way, he was glad to see them gone.

He finally decided to go inside and go to sleep. After a short walk, he was back in his room. He undressed and laid down in bed, pulling the covers up just past his waist. He placed his hands behind his head and stared at the dark ceiling for a few moments before closing his eyes. In what seemed like just a second later, he heard his door open and quickly shut. He reached over and turned the light on, and was surprised to see Snowhawk standing in his doorway. She looked terrified. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

“I just –” she began, pausing to collect her thoughts. “I just can’t stay with him tonight. He’s too bad off.”

“Come here, then, dear. You don’t have to.” He knew the mare couldn’t stand to be alone. She quickly made her way to the bed, laying down next to him.

“I’m sorry, Adi.”

“Don’t be sorry. He’ll get over it soon.”

A moment later she looked up at the chocolate wolf and asked, “Will he?”

Even Adian couldn’t be sure of that, so he shut off the light, then wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close to him. “Even if he doesn’t, you’ll be safe with me.”

She sighed softly, and cuddled up to him.

What seemed like an hour later, Adian was again awoken. This time, it was by her gentle nuzzling. She said something in the Delphin language he couldn’t understand, then took one of his hands and placed it on her breast. “Snow,” he said, unsure if she was coherent enough to realize what she was doing. She soon lifted her head up, her mouth finding his, and kissed him. “Snowhawk, what are you doing?” he whispered. She responded by gently, but firmly, pulling him over her.

“Don’t let me be alone,” she whispered in reply, then kissed him again.

Adian woke up with a start. Snowhawk was with him, asleep, so that must have been a dream. How in the world would I really deal with that? he wondered. He looked at the Delphin laying next to him, then gently stroked her cheek, then lay back down, one arm around her, and went back to sleep.

The next morning, the pair was awoken by a tentative knock on the door. Adian quickly jumped out of bed and went to answer the caller. He was greeted by his brother, seemingly unaware of what ever had transpired the night before. “Have you seen Snowhawk? I think I blacked out last night. I can’t remember a thing.”

“She’s here,” Adian replied, worried about this blackout spell. “You were apparently not on your best behavior last night.”

Janus sighed. “I was afraid of that. Is she okay?”

“Come on in, brother. She was shaken, but managed to sleep through the night.”

“Thank you, Adian,” Janus said with a small bow before he stepped into the room to see his love sitting up from Adian’s bed.

She quickly hopped out of bed, trotting to him. “Oh, thank God you’re back to normal,” she said as she wrapped her arms around him.

Adian looked away, then stalked out of the room.

“Adi, where are you going?” Snowhawk called out.

“To find another Avizon. Things can’t keep going on like this between you two.”

He didn’t even know where to start, or even if another Avizon would really help. But still, he had to try, for the sake of all three of them.

Hours later, he found himself down a not so familiar street, and discovered a new bar. “How long has this place been here?” he wondered. He’d used the bars of the city to find prey when needed, he’d not had the nerve to ask Snowhawk for help with that particular problem of his. Still, something called to him about this place. He stepped inside, finding most of the chairs still up on the tables, but a friendly enough Lupino female tending the bar. She waved him over, smiling generously. As he sat down, she pushed a notepad in front of him. It simply read “What can I get you to drink?”

“You’re mute?” he asked, somewhat shocked that she wouldn’t have found help. Of course, there was help for his condition, and he’d not taken it. With a small sigh, the bartender gave a nod. “I’m sorry, that was rude of me.”

She took her notepad back, and quickly scrawled out, “It’s okay, I’m used to it.”

“I guess I’ll just have a beer,” he said with a sigh. “Unless you can help me find someone.”

She sized him up for a moment, then took a guess as to the type of beer he’d best prefer. She slid the glass in front of him, then asked, via her note pad, “Who are you looking for?”

“Its not so much a specific person as a specific species,” he replied as he took a sip. “Amazing, that’s just what I had in mind.”

She smiled broadly, another guest satisfied. She turned and went back to arranging some of the liquor bottles on the shelf behind her.

“You don’t happen to know any Avizon, do you?” the chocolate Lupino asked.

The bartender almost dropped the bottle in her hand. She quickly composed herself, placing the bottle back on the shelf, and turned to face him. She quickly wrote out a note, then slipped the pad before him. “Who wants to know?”

“My brother… He’s not doing well. He was attacked by an Avizon over a decade ago and has been having trouble dealing with the residual effects of the venom. The Avizon that attacked him is long dead, so we’re trying to find a cure in another.”

“Sounds noble.” she scribbled out, her hand still shaking.

“If it will make his mate happy, then I’ll do anything for him.”

The bartender took a few moments to think, then looked around, making doubly sure the bar was empty, then quickly rushed to the door, shutting, locking, and pulling its curtain closed. She did the same for the curtain over the large front window. Then she returned to the other wolf. “I may have an answer for you,” she wrote, “but the secret must be kept.”

“What secret?”

“Mine,” she replied on her note pad, then stepped back. Her lupine form melted away, revealing the draconic form of an Avizon.

“Holy shit!” Adian exclaimed, nearly falling off his bar stool. “How long have you been in the city?” he asked after taking a moment to compose himself.

All my life,” was the written reply. “My family owned this bar, and I took it over.”

“And you’ve been hiding as Lupino all this time?”


“No wonder we couldn’t find you. Would you be willing to help? All we need is a venom sample.”

Thoughts of how venom was collected from snakes ran through her head. “How would you acquire it?” she asked.

“I’m not sure. I’ll have to contact a doctor in Juv that we’ve been working with to see how he needs it.”

I don’t want my head squeezed.”

Adian laughed a bit, pulling out his phone. “I doubt they’ll do that. And don’t worry, I’ll make sure your secret is kept. I know the value of keeping secrets.”

He quickly pulled up Rais’ number, and stepped away to call. The bartender overheard his half of the conversation. “Rais, I found an Avizon.”

“Wonderful!” the director replied.

“But they don’t want to be exposed. Is there a way to collect a venom sample without anyone but me finding out about them?”

“I see. If they can collect their venom in a clean jar, that’ll give us enough to work with.”

“Good to hear.”

“Don’t have them do it yet, though. My team and I will come up there, and once we’re there and set up, we can start working. The fresher the sample the better.”

“Okay, thank you Rais. We look forward to seeing you.” Adian stuffed his phone back in his pocket, and then turned to the Avizon, who had returned to her Lupino form. “I’ll be back in a few days. The Director said it’s best if the venom sample is as fresh as possible. To collect it, it just need to be gathered in a clean jar. I’ll leave it up to you to decide how to best do that.”

As long as my head isn’t being squeezed.”

“Only if you’re the one doing the squeezing.”

And no one else will know?”

“No, I’ll come back on my own. Is it usually this quiet around this time?”


“Thank you so much. I don’t even know your name, but you’re about to help not just my brother, but who knows how many other beings.”

Just call me Ginia.”

“Thank you, Ginia. I’ll return in five or six days. It depends on when the Director arrives.” The wolf, feeling renewed, quickly finished the glass of beer before him.

Ginia went to unlock the door for the Lupino, and held the door open for him as he walked out. Before exiting the bar, he ran back and placed more than enough cash under his glass to cover his single beer. He bowed his head slightly to the bartender, and quickly headed back to the estate.

Past Secrets – Version 1 – Chapter 33

Kione again unceremoniously tossed the feline formed Snowhawk on the bed before him. “Well, mare, I’d guess that the wolves won’t mind if we borrow this little cabin until I find something better.” The vampiric Delphin had brought her to the small cabin in the Northern forests that once was a summer home for Janus and Adian’s family. “I highly doubt they’d even think to look here.” He regarded the female for a moment, then commanded her, “Change forms. Back to your true form.” Snowhawk complied, shifting back to her Delphin form, having no other choice. “You are so different from her. Yet in so many ways the same,” he mused as he continued to look at her. “Where are you, Emerald?” he asked, leaning closer to her.

The female Delphin’s half-closed eyes blinked shut, reopening to a cold blue, and Emerald’s voice called out “Save me…” as Snowhawk’s head went back. She again blinked, and her eyes returned to their normal magenta.

“Emerald?!” Kione called out. “Emerald, come back!” he yelled, grabbing Snowhawk’s shoulders and shaking the mare lightly. “Emerald, don’t leave me.”

The elder vampire had long forgotten how to cry, but as he looked at Snowhawk’s face, a single tear formed at the corner of her eye. “She’s not gone. She’d never leave me again.” He leaned over, gently kissing away the tear making it’s way down the side of Snowhawk’s face, hoping Emerald would feel it.


A coal black shadow moved away from the window. Onyx happened to sense other Delphin nearby, and found Snowhawk under Kione’s command. I’m sure the wolves would like to know where she is, he thought, then trotted off to the city. The old Royal Guard didn’t have the ability to travel quickly like the vampires, so the trip would take him nearly three days on foot.

Three days later, Onyx arrived at the Sininensusi estate. He found Rais first, and was surprised to see the Director before the lupine brothers.

“Good to see you again, Onyx,” the Director bowed.

“And you, Rais. Have you seen the brothers?”

“They should be arriving back soon. Did you have news for them?”

“Yes. I’ve found Snowhawk and the elder vampire. I’m sure they’ll be pleased to hear that.”

“Indeed. Their attempt to rescue her didn’t go well, and it sounds like the elder brother will need some patching up before he goes anywhere.”

The pair chatted and waited for the brothers to arrive, catching up on the past decade. Their conversation would go on for two hours before the other Lupino arrived.

“Just the Delphin we needed to see,” Adian began.

“And I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know what I have to tell you as well,” Onyx replied.

“Please tell us you know where she is,” Janus pleaded.

“I do,” the Delphin responded. “I happened across her and the elder vampire as I was wandering the Northern forests.

“Is he at the old cabin?” Adian asked, canting his head to the side.

“He is.”

“Son of a bitch,” Adian growled. “We never would have thought to look up there, but it’s an obvious hiding place when I think of it.”

“Let’s go,” Janus said.

“But your wound–“ the Director began, but soon found himself cut off.

“It’s fine. Thanks to Anya’s residual venom, I heal faster than normal.”

“May I at least inspect it?”

“Of course,” Janus replied, and lifted his still blood-stained, cut shirt. The wound had indeed closed, and prodding from the Director didn’t draw out any cries of pain from the light-furred Lupino.

“Very well, you appear to be healed enough that it shouldn’t tear open. But be careful anyway.”

“Let’s go then,” Adian said to his brother and the Delphin Guard.


Back at the cabin, Kione had still not released Snowhawk from his command. He hoped that her mental state in this condition would draw Emerald out, but all he’d managed to do was exhaust himself by keeping her restricted. “Emerald, where are you?” he whispered in the pale Delphin’s ear.

Save me,” she had said. But from what, Kione wondered. She should be able to take control of Snowhawk at any point. Why hasn’t she? The vampire was utterly confused.

He sat back in the chair next to the bed, watching the other Delphin. “I guess I could settle for you if we can’t get her back. But I’ll have to get the wolves out of the picture first. Or at least Janus. Adian will be easy enough to take you from.”

The female Delphin fidgeted at hearing this. Kione’s control over her was weakening the more stressed he became, and she was getting more and more able to respond to him. But he knew better than to let her free, even though he was exhausting himself. She had been able to run here as a half vampire, so running away would be no trouble for her. He’d not been able to find a suitable place to attach the chain that still hung from her collar. If he could, he could at least release her and rest. There were plenty of sturdy things to attach it to, but he had not found any tools. “I suppose I could let you go back to them and just come after you when I’m ready, or hope Emerald will bring you back before then.”

Kione thought over this for a few moments, then snapped his fingers once at Snowhawk. She blinked in response a few times, then slowly sat up.

“I’m letting you go, for now, mare.”

“Why?” she said, side eyeing him and unsure.

“Because I’m exhausted and you’re too much trouble for me right now. Go back to your wolves,” he said, reaching over to her, and releasing the lock on her collar. “Just know I’ll be back. Or Emerald will,” he grinned.

“She won’t be,” Snowhawk replied, crawling from the bed and keeping as much distance between her and the vampire as possible.

“Don’t worry, mare, I am a Delphin of my word. You can go, for now.” Not needing to be told again, Snowhawk quickly opened the door and ran from the small cabin. “Mares,” Kione sighed.


Little more than a day later, Snowhawk trotted down the road leading from the cabin, still confused as to why the vampire would release her, and what he meant by Emerald being back. She didn’t remember Emerald crying out for help, and barely remembered the elder vampire’s pleading for his lost mate. The sound of a vehicle caught her attention, and she looked up to see a familiar truck driving toward her. She waved her arms, trying to catch the driver’s attention. The truck half slid to a halt near her, as Janus nearly fell trying to jump out of the still moving vehicle. The wolf ran to his mate, gathering her into his arms upon reaching her and squeezing her tightly.

“How did you escape, love?” he asked after several moments of silence.

“He let me go. Said he was exhausted and that I was too much trouble for him to deal with at this time.”

“Exhausted?” Janus asked, confused.

“There’s only so long you can keep someone controlled,” Adian explained as he walked to the pair, closely followed by Onyx. “If he kept her like that for these past days, then he’s been expending a lot of energy, and probably had little to eat. As for her being trouble, well, I’m sure you can understand that much.”

“He said Emerald may return,” Snowhawk began, folding her ears back. “I don’t remember much, but he was calling for her.”

“She may not be gone, then,” Onyx commented. “She could just be well hidden.”

Snowhawk sighed, looking down. “This is almost too much.”

“I know, love,” Janus replied, “But you’re not alone through this.”

As his brother embraced the pale Delphin, Adian looked away. He couldn’t deny the pang of jealousy he felt, but knew that he just needed to bide his time. “Let’s get back,” the younger brother said. “We don’t want to tempt fate.”


Upon reaching the estate, the brothers, Onyx and Snowhawk were greeted by Director Rais. “Snowhawk, I’m glad to see you’re safe.”

“Safe, but still in need of your assistance,” she replied.

“Of course. I’ll let you settle in, then we can get started.”

“Thank you, Director.”

“I told you, please call me Rais,” the Director smiled.

“Of course,” she replied, smiling back.

As Snowhawk vanished off to her room, Rais turned to the other Lupino and the Delphin still standing. “I’ll be honest and say I’m not sure if she can be helped this time. We’ve still never tried this serum on a full vampire.”

“We have faith in you and your team, Rais. You’ve been invaluable in helping us before,” Janus responded.

“Well, it’s just me right now. My team will arrive if I need them.”

Adian nodded. “Still, you’re here to help, and we can’t thank you enough.”

Some thirty minutes later, Snowhawk returned, still drying her mane from her recent shower. “Well, I think I’m ready.”

“Very well then,” Rais nodded, “let’s get started.”

The Lupino and the Delphin vanished into the study. It would be the first trip of many over the next weeks. Each injection of the serum reduced Snowhawk’s vampiric powers, but at a slower rate than the first time. It would take twice as long, more than six months, to rid her of the vampiric toxin in her blood. And the pain was just as great as before, though it was over a longer period.

“It’s possible this will stop working in the future for you, so be careful,” the Director warned.

“Hopefully,” Snowhawk returned, “Kione won’t come back for me for another decade, if ever.”

“We need to take care of him before that,” Adian interjected.

“Last I checked, he was still creeping around your family’s old cabin, but he may not stay there forever.”

“I’d hope not,” Janus frowned.

“I’ll head back up there in a few days to check again.”

“Thank you, Onyx.”

Rais gave a small bow to the others. “I’ll head back to Juv. If you folks need me again, please don’t hesitate to call.”

“Of course. Thank you again, Rais,” Janus replied, returning the bow.

The Director left for Juv within the next hour. After he was on his way, Janus took Snowhawk back to her room. Adian clenched his fists as he watched his brother walk away with the female Delphin.

Onyx, noticing the boiling jealousy, turned to the younger brother and said, “You can’t keep up this charade forever.”

“I don’t have to wait forever,” Adian nearly growled. “Just long enough for him to be gone.”

“That might as well be forever.”

“I can wait. I’m patient. But I swear he flaunts it in my face.”

“Perhaps, but he may not even realize it.”

“Its still infuriating.”

“I can imagine. But you still can’t hide it forever.”

“No. But I have to, for her sake.”

“And your brother?”

“Very little I do anymore is for him. It’s her.”

Onyx shook his head. “You’re going to drive yourself as batty as that other vampire is.”

“No,” Adian replied. “Kione’s got a couple thousand years and a twice dead mate over me.”